Jun 14Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

1. It makes no sense. It was March yesterday. I’m tempted to add “it’s going to be October tomorrow” but I refuse to accept that. I got kayaking to do.

2. Everyone should be asking that, all of the time. Maybe they actually are.

3. Seafoam green and your hair color.

4. Only one?! Unfair! Lilies of the valley, pink poppies, tall ladies like hollyhocks/foxglove/delphiniums. Lately researching poppies/cornflowers/daisies/wheat is giving me what might be ASMR tingles??? It’s weird

5. Peach-mango or lime kool-aid with stevia.

6. For feeling stuck, I’m moving an awful lot, so that’s a plus. Usual summer rituals: farm stand strawberries (peaches in July), beaches, potlucks to which I bring deviled eggs, meals on my in-laws’ idyllic patio. Estate sales and general stores turned mini-marts. Swimming holes but it has to be 95 out.

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1. Kayaking sounds fun! <3

2. Haha. I agree 1000%

3. Good choices. Though I'm biased.

4. Ohhh, I love all of that! Lilies of the valley! Haven't thought of those in forever. And the tingles are the best. They help my pain.

5. Mmmm. Maybe I should consider trying mango again?!

6. I see such of vivid picture of your summer, and I love it. I'm imagining you in a plaid 50s dress with victory rolls, a basket made in the 40s sitting beside you filled with fruits and snacks and fabric and other precious finds, while you're sipping an orange drink in a plush chair looking towards a garden on a patio of a grand home that could be haunted but it's recently been painted.

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Jun 13Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

Catching up on your feed after a couple weeks away (for all the usual reasons). I can't decide on my favorite color or think of a favorite flower, but summer is going pretty okay so far! Big fan of Gatorade when it's hot and I'm losing all the electrolytes in my body.

Today I had to have two molars pulled because I let my dental hygiene lapse really badly when I was horribly sick last year -- now I'm finally getting caught up on dental care. The pain is annoying but not bad so far. But one thing I'm not looking forward to is that I have to do a ten-day course of antibiotics, and antibiotics have a history of making me puke :(

Ah well. Worth it to not have rotting bones hurting my jaw anymore!

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What a time you've had! I'm sorry it got so bad, but yay to getting rid of rotten bits! I'm sending all gentle hugs for your recovery and fingers crossed that you don't spend ten days worshiping The Porcelain God or The Plastic God (if you use a bowl in your bed like I do often).

Glad your summer is going well. <3Oh yeah, such a real mood. Like, what is an electrolyte, and why can't I buy them in pill form to add with my handful of morning pills? Gatorade has always amused me with their flavor names. It's like Doritos. I shall drink Frost Arctic Blitz and eat Cooler Ranch. It all makes sense.

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Sorry to push in, but I wanted to let you know that you CAN take electrolytes in pill form - they're essentially salt with a few important minerals thrown in. You need to make sure to follow directions and drink a glass of water with the pills, and make sure you don't overdose (yes, it's possible and the negative effects ain't pretty). I don't use them at all, so I have no brand recommendations, but maybe your doctor can help with picking out an electrolyte pill (they're available over the counter). At any rate, they gotta taste better than Gatorade (I am SO not a fan! 😅). I hope you remain puke-free, Kitkat.

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Oh, I was being funny. I am allergic to most of the things in electrolyte pills (and Gatorade may be a good way to cozy mystery murder me). It's more like I would like to have the benefits in pill form.

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Jun 11Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

This is so fun! I'm so glad I followed you.

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I am glad you a) enjoyed this and b) are here! <3

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Jun 11Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

I'm with the cicadas - screaming for six weeks straight sounds good! And I guess I'm not normal because pools, bbq's and water balloon fights sound like the stuff of TV comedies. I'm doing a bunch of gardening, with four baby chicks added in for this year.... plus listening to the birds, bees, crickets, and of course all those cicadas. 😅 A dragonfly landed on my hand for a little visit a couple of days ago, that was fun. 🌞

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Doesn't it just? I mean my vocal cords would definitely call a Hard Pass by week 2, maybe week 3, but still.

Yesssssss! Gardening, baby chicks, dragonflies! What a magical summer <3

I agree, they are TV comedy gold. But they were definitely my childhood as well. Cul-de-sac Army base life is a far cry from growing up as a civilian in a lot of ways. I think the military spouses who were home a lot just wanted the kids to stay happy and busy.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

My childhood summers were spent running around in the woods with my brothers. We turned out a little uncivilized, but we had fun! 😁

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Aw, I love that! Climbing trees and looking for faeries in woods is where I found my creativity and imagination, so that warms my heart.

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Jun 13Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

We were lucky! I'm not sure that many modern kids get a lot of unstructured time to run around wherever they'd like. During the summer, we would head out right after morning chores and nobody knew where we were until dinnertime! It was a good childhood...

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Agreed! The hubs and I were just talking about that. The whole "go outside and don't come back until dinnertime" wasn't always the best (didn't happen often either), but there was something too it, right? Just find your own entertainment with no internet or electricity. Also, you have to walk to get to it. Pretty solid life skills learned. <3

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Jun 14Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

We went outside and stayed out until dinnertime voluntarily. I spent a lot of time studying various critters. The real punishment was being sent to my room... WITHOUT a book! (Oh, the horror!) My folks knew being sent outside was not a punishment to me. 😁 I guess we would be called "free range children" nowadays. 😅

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