Jun 25Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

Glad you had a wonderful birthday. Love your tiara!

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Thank you so much! <3

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Jun 25Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

My birthstone is the opal, but I'm not a jewlery kind of person, so I don't have any.

I love all the hours, but I think night is the best, especially when the fireflies come out.

That is a tough one, I love them all! I guess I would have to pick watermelon, if I were forced to choose.

I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday! I really like the idea of aging with mischief, audacity, and a good story to tell. It was fun to see Alex Dobrenko show up in your mood board, too. 😎

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Oh, an autumn baby <3 And no worries, my sister probably has all the opals you didn't buy haha

YES! Fireflies are a reason to pick the nighttime 1000%. Have you ever been to Great Smoky Mountains to see them? There's a lottery and everything. So jealous of people who can do that.

Mmm, good choice. Mum used to tell me that old line about growing a watermelon in my tummy from the seeds. Was both scared and interested at that thought.

Thank you! Aging is only scary if you let it be. And oh yes, Alex is just the best.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

I don't travel, so I've just seen the modest displays we get up north. I might have to go check out the Great Smokey Mountsin fireflies on YouTube (a fantastic invention for us curious nontravelers).

My mom told me about watermelons growing in my belly if I swallowed the seeds, but I never believed her - the concept is just too illogical for a farm kid - seeds just don't DO that! 😂 Though I was a bit worried about her story about swallowed chewing gum bogging up my innards... but what else was I supposed to do with it?

I'm well past 60 now, and don't find aging to be the least bit scary, though my knees are getting a mite achey if I sit too long - I guess that's just a sign that I shouldn't sit too long.

Many happy returns to you! You still have a few more birthday month days remaining, have fun with them!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

It is! It's how I've traveled to so many places. I like going on "walks" in other countries. Those videos are so calming.

Haha, love that! I didn't know much about seeds, but I wasn't fully convinced. The gum thing scared me, though, for sure. If I swallowed a piece, I would stay really still and apologize to my body, ask it to be okay. How the smallest of comments can make the biggest impact.

I'm glad you don't find it scary. Sorry to hear about your knees, though. But yeah, maybe that's your body's way of telling you to keep doing the things.

Haha, at least ten or so. Fingers crossed some more! And I hope I will. <3

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Jun 25Liked by Elizabeth Mitchell

1. Amethyst, though I had to look that up just now. Pretty telling how much I care.

2. mid-morning as the dew starts to mist and the animals are starting their day. Magical and I miss it.

3. Also would have picked blueberries but bananas are just too versatile. I'd miss all berries though.

I'm glad you had a lovely birthday, well deserved. <3

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Well, that's how I know you have them secretly hidden in a drawer. I'm assuming on our 20th wedding anniversary you'll announce that you want to wear Johnny Depp's level of accessories but only in amethyst. I'm nervous but I love you, so it's okay.

Oh, that's such a lovely time. We should forest bathe in the nude somewhere deep in the forest then one day. See some doe grazing unabashedly unclothed just like us.

Yeah, I said blueberries, but then I made two new blendies with bananas and regretted my decision. But berry jam... now that I can have it again, I can't imagine going without it.

Thank you for making it so special! <3 I love you!

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